My Lego Batman Birthday Party (and some freebies!)

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My Lego Batman birthday party featured a fun candy bar with villain-inspired candy, gummy Lego blocks, and Lego Batman cake toppers. Click on to see all the DIY party ideas and get access to some free printables!

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

We held our Lego Batman birthday party at our local arcade. In addition to free game tokens for all the party guests, the party package also included several pizzas, so I decided to lay out a candy bar as part of our party spread.Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

The candy bar featured a variety of different options, some I made and some I purchased. I used these awesome plastic city building candy holders to add to the Lego Batman theme, in addition to these more traditional trifle bowls.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

I made these Lego gummies in Batman colors (yellow, blue and black) with the help of this tutorial from DIY & Crafts. To make these, you’ll need these Lego candy molds, some Jello, corn syrup and unflavored gelatin.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

I also purchased some Lego- and Batman-inspired candy to put in the building candy holders. I got these candy Lego blocks that actually connect to each other like real Legos. The kids really loved these! I also purchased some yellow, blue and black Sixlets.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get free printable TNT licorice wrappers!Now to the fun part! I used licorice to create Joker’s Dynamite by printing up some wrappers, wrapping them around a handful of Twizzlers, and taping the ends together. My son really loved this idea, so I’m offering the printable wrappers for free to my subscribers. To get yours, just sign up here!

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get free printable TNT licorice wrappers!Sign up for my email newsletter to download these TNT licorice wrappers that I used at my party,
in addition to several other great printable party planning freebies!

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

I also created “Two-Face Pretzels” by dipping pre-made chocolate covered pretzels in white candy coating.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!And I turned green sour straws into “Poison Ivy Vines” simply by adding a label in front of the bowl. You can get these custom labels at my Etsy Shop!

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

These printable cupcake toppers are also available on my freebies page — exclusively for my subscribers! I did a mix of white and chocolate cupcakes topped with yellow icing. The black and white striped cupcake wrappers were purchased at Wal-Mart.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!I topped the birthday boy’s cupcake with Betty Crocker Lego block candles.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get a free printable!

The treat bags included some individual bags of candy and these adorable Lego minifigure party masks.

Check out my Lego Batman birthday party and get free printable TNT licorice wrappers or Lego Batman cake toppers! #LegoBatman #party #freeprintables
Don’t forget to sign up for my email newsletter to download these TNT licorice wrappers or Lego Batman cake toppers,
in addition to several other great printable party planning freebies!






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  1. Signed up and still not able to get the free downloads, please unsubscribe me.

  2. Brilliant ideas, I love the cupcakes! Such a popular theme for a birthday party at the moment too.

  3. What a great idea- love the names food! #bloggerpinparty

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