DIY Home Improvement

After purchasing our first house, my husband and I have become a little obsessed over DIY home improvement. Whether it’s a big project, like building a new addition from the foundation up, to smaller renovations, like repainting the kitchen cabinets, we do it all ourselves.

We began our home renovation journey when we purchased our turn-of-the-century bungalow a few years ago. Since then, we’ve renovated the entire home, from refinishing the huge brick fireplace to transforming the kitchen. But we quickly outgrow the two-bedroom home. And instead of moving, we decided to add a DIY home addition to the back of the house from the foundation up. The addition features a master bedroom suite, home office, and family room.

And the best part is that I love sharing our DIY home improvement projects with my readers! Here, you’ll find lots of DIY home projects ideas all aimed at making home renovation and improvement a little bit easier for you. All my projects are simple to do and easy enough for the seasoned DIYer to tackle on their own.

In addition to finding simple DIY home project ideas, you’re also going to find lots of ideas for home renovation on a budget. Because that’s why we DIYers choose to do it ourselves, right? All my projects and ideas are budget-friendly, which means you’ll not only get the satisfaction of completing a project on your own, but you’re sure to save a little money in the process.

Keep reading to find your next DIY home improvement project idea! I’m sure you’re going to find tons of inspiration for all your home renovations.